
Showing posts from November, 2010

Tricks to learn English!

Hi! in this blog you can find many tricks to English learning... but first we recommend you keep some steps to learn English very good! here we give you three key ideas for learning English: 1. You must spend as much time as you can, minimum two hours a day. Spending time means, learn everyday words, expressions, listening, reading, writing, translating, etc. If you can't or don't want to spend time never learn. 2. To learn English should enjoy the learning process, otherwise it will cost a lot to learn. We recommend the study on the internet, there are many free pages, in this  blog you will find websites that can help you. 3. You must to listen English every day, minimum one hour, and you must to try to talk too. So, if you know anothers tricks you can recommended in your comments!

More tricks to learn English

1.  Learn your favorite songs or phrases in English. 2.  Study with materials made for natives: Ideally when we study to articles, books, magazines, something that is quite effective is to see TV shows, movies and news in the language we learn.  3.  Use mnemonic tricks .- Associating words to an image is a great way to store, sometimes we have to learn some single words, learning you some of these tricks will serve as these allow us to learn what is going to be our long-term memory and not to our short-term memory. 4. Use English to learn something you love .- learn English not only to learn English, English should be a vehicle to learn more about a topic of interest. If you have a topic you feel passionate about, find one, your passion for a particular topic will be a fuel so you can learn English more easily.

Quick tip for a little difficult topic...

We want help you to understand the difference between very and too! Both words are used to indicate quantity, but in different ways: 'Very' means 'muy' and indicates a greater intensity of the adjective or adverb they are accompanying: Example: Your friend is very kind: Tu amigo es muy amable. And "too", with adjectives and adverbs, meaning: "too much": demasiado. Example: She is too beautiful for be real. With this meaning, is often seen accompanied by construction 'too + much + uncountable noun' and 'too + many + Countable nouns': Examples: There are Too Many hole on the road: Hay demasidos huecos en la carretera. She put too much cream in the coffe: Ella puso demasiada crema en el cafe. It's often to confuse both words, specially in certains expressions, f or example, we frequently hear: 'I like it too much' what literally means' I like it too 'when it mean' I love ',it means:' I like it very much. &

Some games to learn English

A funny way to learn... HANGMAN You can play this game to practice and learn new vocabulary. There are many words in each game, try to guess them all! Puedes jugar a este juego para practicar y aprender nuevo vocabulario. Hay varias palabras por cada juego, intenta adivinarlas todas! Choose a subject Animals - Easy Animals - Difficult Clothes - Easy Clothes - Difficult Fruit and vegetables - Easy Fruit and vegetables - Difficult Parts of the body - Easy Parts of the body - Difficult Parts of a car - Easy Parts of a car - Difficult Parts of the house - Easy Parts of the house - Difficult Professions and occupations - Easy Professions and occupations - Difficult Weather - Easy Weather - Difficult How to play Click on the letters and try to guess the words! To play again, press the NEW button. You can press the HINT button to get a clue, but you will lose a turn. All words are taken from our Topic Vocabulary pages. JOKES Jokes are also interesting to learn a language. Many of the


A great way to practice reading and also build vocabulary is to read comics. Here are some:  

Web Sites Recommended

This are somes websites that we recomemded you to parctice English! www.mansion ingles .com OM SINATRA� OM BROADWAY� OM CLASSICS� And also we offer you somes address for you can see pronunciaton videos: