Quick tip for a little difficult topic...

We want help you to understand the difference between very and too!

Both words are used to indicate quantity, but in different ways:

'Very' means 'muy' and indicates a greater intensity of the adjective or adverb they are accompanying:Example: Your friend is very kind: Tu amigo es muy amable.

And "too", with adjectives and adverbs, meaning: "too much": demasiado.

Example: She is too beautiful for be real.

With this meaning, is often seen accompanied by construction 'too + much + uncountable noun' and 'too + many + Countable nouns':

There are Too Many hole on the road: Hay demasidos huecos en la carretera.
She put too much cream in the coffe: Ella puso demasiada crema en el cafe.
It's often to confuse both words, specially in certains expressions, for example, we frequently hear: 'I like it too much' what literally means' I like it too 'when it mean' I love ',it means:' I like it very much. "


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