Some games to learn English

A funny way to learn...

You can play this game to practice and learn new vocabulary. There are many words in each game, try to guess them all!
Puedes jugar a este juego para practicar y aprender nuevo vocabulario. Hay varias palabras por cada juego, intenta adivinarlas todas!

Choose a subject
Level of this activity: EasyAnimals - Easy
Level of this activity: DifficultAnimals - Difficult
Level of this activity: EasyClothes - Easy
Level of this activity: DifficultClothes - Difficult
Level of this activity: EasyFruit and vegetables - Easy
Level of this activity: DifficultFruit and vegetables - Difficult
Level of this activity: EasyParts of the body - Easy
Level of this activity: DifficultParts of the body - Difficult
Level of this activity: EasyParts of a car - Easy
Level of this activity: DifficultParts of a car - Difficult
Level of this activity: EasyParts of the house - Easy
Level of this activity: DifficultParts of the house - Difficult
Level of this activity: EasyProfessions and occupations - Easy New
Level of this activity: DifficultProfessions and occupations - Difficult New
Level of this activity: EasyWeather - Easy New
Level of this activity: DifficultWeather - Difficult New

How to play
Click on the letters and try to guess the words! To play again, press the NEW button. You can press the HINT button to get a clue, but you will lose a turn. All words are taken from our Topic Vocabulary pages.
Jokes are also interesting to learn a language. Many of them are the same in other languages but others are specially British or American, since they play with words, meanings and similar sounds. Read these jokes and have fun!

Teacher: If I had nine apples in one hand and eight oranges in the other, what would I have?
Student: Big hands!

Wife: Do you want dinner, dear?
Husband: Sure! What are my choices?
Wife: Yes and no.

Little Lucy was in the garden filling in a hole when his neighbour looked over the fence. Curious about what she was doing, he asked 'What are you doing?'
'My goldfish died,' Lucy answered, 'and I've just buried him.'
The neighbour was surprised. He said 'That's a big hole for a goldfish, isn't it?'
Lucy finished filling the hole and replied, 'That's because he's inside your cat.'

If a lawyer and a tax collector were drowning and you could only save one of them, what would you do: read the newspaper or drink coffee?

Teacher: Thomas, give me a sentence starting with 'I'.
Thomas: I  is...
Teacher: No, Thomas. We say, 'I am...'
Student: All right... 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.'

- What was the first thing your husband said to you when he woke up this morning?
- He said 'Where am I, Mary?'
- And why did that upset you?
- My name is Betty.

- What a strange pair of socks you are wearing today! One is brown and the other one is green!
- Yes, that is really strange. I've got another pair at home that are exactly the same.

My Dad thinks he "wears the trousers" in our house, but in fact it's Mum who always tells him which pair to put on!

An anagram is a word or phrase that forms a different word or phrase when the letters are rearranged. For example, percussion is an anagram of supersonic. Other one-word anagrams are:
solemn - melons
despair - praised
nameless - salesmen
carthorse - orchestra
intoxicate - excitation
legislators - allegorists
conversation - conservation
containerised - inconsiderate
interrogatives - tergiversation
Here are some anagrams to form phrases.
point - on tip
twinges - we sting
enormity - more tiny
funeral - real fun
uniformity - I form unity
astronomer - moon-starer
revolution - love to ruin
legislation - is it legal? No
militarism - I limit arms
considerate - care is noted
mesaurements - man uses meter
schoolmaster - the classroom
presbyterian - best in prayer
alphabetically - I play all the ABC
a telehone girl - repeating 'hello'
French revolution - violence run forth
police protection - let cop cope in riot
the man who laughs - he's glum, won't ha-ha
Roma was not built in a day - any labour I do wants time
one plus twelve = 13
two plus eleven = 13These two phrases are anagrams and they also are true because the result is 13 in both cases.

Try to decipher these anagrams. When you're finished have a look at the answers.
it ran
mad policy
made sure
seen as mist
one is apart
a rope ends it
two plus eleven
calculating rules


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