
Showing posts from November, 2017

"Dear Mr. Kilmer" Question & Answer Samples

QUESTION 1: LESSON LEARNT �It is important to have a person you look up to in your life.� From the novel that you have read, write about one character that you look up to. Give reasons why you choose him/her. ANSWER: The novel that I read was �Dear Mr Kilmer� by Anne Schraff. One character that I looked up to was Richard. There were three reasons why I looked up to Richard. Firstly, he loved animals.  This was shown when Richard purposely missed shooting a buck.  Richard thought that hunting was not important. Richard could not kill animals. Gus, Richard�s elder brother, was upset with Richard because Richard purposely misfired. Richard�s father, Pa, was also disappointed with Richard. Pa asked Richard why he purposely missed shooting the buck. Richard told Pa that he had no right to kill it. Richard told Pa that he felt painful and sad to kill an animal. Pa told Richard not to go hunting anymore if he did not like it. Secondly, Richard was kind. One day, Mrs Hansen asked her class to