
Showing posts from August, 2017

SPM English Tricks

Scoring English 1119 is not that difficult if you know "how to do it". Well, some students might say that it is quiet complicated to understand some parts of English paper. I would say literature is the toughest part - if you do not read the text properly. Reading and Understanding are two different things. Some students might get drown while reading - some will take a shortcut: memorizing everything. Whether it works or not, I suggest you read thru all these suggestions so that you can get clear idea on what I am writing about. Paper 1: Writing  I always highlight few points on 'familiarizing yourself with the questions and understanding the context.  Weak students tend to have problem to master sentence structures. They tend to use simple sentence from top to bottom of their writing. Worst case scenario, they will do a direct translation from their mother tongue language! This simply can't help you to score. What I will suggest is - Read the sentence structure notes

Phuket Tips - Travelling Alone

Travelling with just a backpack and few stuffs in your hands can be so much fun and handy, thus it can be real stressful as well. Provided you have the strength and passion to travel from one point to one another with your legs or with those uncomfortable rides that can be adventurous for some reasons. Sunset View at Patong Beach Phuket is situated in southern of Thailand (where I'm not going to tell you everything in this post). My intention is to share some of the common sense expectations and the do's and don'ts while travelling to Phuket (it might work for certain area in Thailand as well). Well, this is based on my own experience and what I've been facing along the journey of 5 days 4 nights in Phuket.  Travelling to Phuket was not that expensive when it comes to the accommodation and flights arrangement. I got a good deal from Air Asiago website tho. Since I was travelling from Malaysia, the time taken for the flight to Phuket was just around 1 hour and 30 minute