
Showing posts from May, 2013


It is not that hard to differentiate between HAS or HAVE (well, some people always make  mistake when it comes to this basic rule). WHEN to use HAS? 1. Singular noun: Example: He has two slices of cake. ( 'He' is a singular pronoun for male) Example: One of the pupils has finished the work early. ( 'One' shows singular) 2. Uncountable noun: Example: The rain has come. ( 'Rain' is an uncountable noun - we can't count rain!) WHEN to use HAVE? 1. Plural noun: Example: They have gone home. ( 'They' indicates more than one) 2. I Example: I have to buy five books and three pencils. 3. You Example: You have already seen the show, haven't you? So, no more mistake =)

That's mean OR That means?

That means (correct) That's mean (wrong) If one says �That�s mean you will go lah?�, would that sound right? If yes, then will �That is mean you will go lah?� sound right now? No matter how you look at it, it�s just so, wrong. Direct translation: �Ia adalah kejam (mean=kejam) awak nak pergi lah?� It�s been fossilised in their head to use �That�s/It�s mean� instead of �That/It means� that they a re so confident of, even after repetitiously being told it�s not right. Conclusion: That�s mean ? That means Source: Cikgu Idris's blog

Who, Whom, Whose?

My students don't know how to differentiate between WHO, WHOM and WHOSE. Here is the easy explanations: 1. WHO: a subject pronoun like "he," "she" and "we". We use "who" to ask which person does an action or which person is a certain way. Example: Who made the birthday cake? 2. WHOM: is an object pronoun like "him," "her" and "us." We use "whom" to ask which person receives an action. Example: Whom are you going to invite for the party? 3. WHOSE: is a possessive pronoun like "his," "her" and "our." We use "whose" to find out which person something belongs to. Example: Whose camera is this? Crystal clear?